The World-class Home for Seniors

Value Added Services

We provide the best value added services.

Medical Facilities

Our experts help the residents to maintain their health, functional ability etc.

Living Facility

We ensure spacious, super-hygienic, safe and beautiful spaces.

Committed Staff

Staff provides individual attention and have caring attitude.

Featured Causes​

Devtaru Foundation“, a quality and respectful living is provided for the retired Senior Citizens by qualified professionals with a dream to create, nurture each others, growth in a spirit of transparency, commitment, trust and to promote genuine love and brotherhood.

Our Elderly Care Center

Success Projects
completed 78%

Why Choose Us

CSR & Reports

Luxury Center For Elderly Care

It is always convenient to receive a service from a reliable source. We offer a full cycle of old-age home services in Pune.With improved life expectancy rate in our country, it’s estimated that as many as 8 million people are currently above the age of 80 years. Changing family value system, economic compulsions of the children, neglective and abusive nature of family members towards the elders has caused elders to fall through the net of family care. Home Away Home for the Aged is the ideal concept for elderly people who are alone, facing health problems, depression and loneliness.Elderly Care Patients are Provided with 24×7 Assistance, Medical Care,Healthy Food,Secure Living Companionship

Family Of Devtaru

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Trusted Old-Age Home
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Success Stories
1 0 +
Quality Services
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Healthy & Safe
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